Insurance: The Career You Didn’t Know You Needed

What do you want to be when you grow up? The answer isn’t always so easy. Sometimes, it makes more sense to rephrase the question. What do you want out of a career? When you ask it that way, you’ll find an unlikely career with all the right answers.


Stable – The insurance industry is stable because businesses and people can’t operate with out it. Insurance allows you to run a business, own a home, drive a car, travel, or cover health-care costs. Whether the market is up or down, you don’t have to worry about your job still being around.

Rewarding – You can end your work every day knowing that what you do matters. Insurance meets people when they are in a crisis and need the safety net insurance provides. It is a helping hand when catastrophe strikes, and you can play a part in helping make people whole again.

Limitless – Regardless of how you start, there are no limits to your potential, how much you can make, or what rank you rise to. The insurance industry pays well with many companies offering competitive salaries and benefits like tuition reimbursement and opportunities to save for retirement/build generational wealth.

Dynamic – Our customers’ needs are ever-evolving. There are a plethora of job opportunities no matter what your skills or interests are. The world and technology is constantly changing, and insurance is tasked with keeping up with new risks and the ways to protect.

Flexible – Insurance companies are invested in work-life balance, career growth, and serving the communities we live and work in. Most offer flexibility such as remote work and paid leave.


Whether or not you have considered Insurance as a career before, we invite you to apply for the DEI on the RISE scholarship. Through our scholarship program you will not only receive funds to be used for school, but also be paired with a mentor and given internship opportunities. You can find out first hand if you think insurance is right for you. We hope that you will!

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